
Research stories

ANU scientists unpack their bags—and their research—for us.

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ACT Scientist of the Year Dr Rose Ahlefeldt, is working with crystals that may one day be used to store quantum information in the next generation of computers.

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Dr Megan Head didn’t expect her interest in evolution and ecology to lead to her becoming the manager of a Beetle Love Hotel.

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Where do you start if you're trying to invent an engaging method to visualise climate change data?

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Ningaloo Reef might be famous for its whale sharks and stunning seascape but for ANU researchers, the real star of the show is seaweed.

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A research project in Australia and Sweden is trying to understand how bogong moths perform incredible feats of navigation.

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Professor Ken Baldwin is holding a black and white photo taken of him in the mid-1980s.

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Dr Liana Leech wants to start conversations about parental leave.

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"This study gives top priority to species with no close relatives.”

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