
The ANU Research School of Biology is internationally recognised for its high-impact research in plant sciences, evolution, ecology, genetics, parasitology and biotechnology.

Researchers in the biological sciences at ANU work on issues of global importance, including food security in both Australia and the developing world, new treatments for cancer and type 2 diabetes, and fighting malaria drug resistance.

The School houses the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, as well as the ANU/CSIRO Centre for Biodiversity Analysis. It has state-of-the-art facilities for a wide range of research projects.

In 2015, the School’s Professor Graham Farquhar was awarded the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.

Our academics are supported with significant facilities and infrastructure, such as plant growth facilities, green houses, animal housing and a pool of large equipment. The School has a Mass Spectrometry Facility for metabolomics and proteomics and together with CSIRO Plant Industry houses the High Resolution Plant Phenomics Centre of the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility.


Home Research Facilities ANU North Australia Research Unit

The ANU North Australian Research Unit campus is a research facility in the Northern Territory with accommodation and other resources for researchers.

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The Australian Phenomics Facility supports open access large-scale phenotyping of humans and mice to uncover the biological drivers in human disease.

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The Centre for Advanced Microscopy (CAM) provides state-of-the art microscopy and microanalysis equipment to researchers, students and industry partners.

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Compounds ANU (CANU) aims to directly link the leading synthetic chemistry capabilities within the RSC to ANU medical and biological research programs primarily conducted within the RSB and JCSMR.

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The Controlled Environment Facility (CEF) houses 20 walk in growth rooms as well as 47 free standing growth chambers, two communal laboratories and two autoclaves.

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The Joint Mass Spectrometry Facility (JMSF) was created in 2016 by the Research School of Chemistry and Research School of Biology to consolidate and grow mass spectrometry facilities at ANU.

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Kioloa Campus

The 348-hectare ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus is one of Australia’s premier field stations, offering a diverse ecology which encourages research across all scientific disciplines.

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The ANU MakerSpace is an initiative by the Research School of Physics and Engineering, where we know people learn by doing.  

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National Arboretum Canberra research site

The National Arboretum Canberra research site provides researchers with a unique environment to investigate climate variability, climate change, water use and precision measurement of trees and forests.

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The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) is home to the Southern Hemisphere’s most highly-integrated supercomputer and filesystems, Australia’s highest performance research cloud, and one of the nation’s largest data catalogues—all supported by an expert team.

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The CPAS Podcast Studio is open to staff and students throughout ANU (not just scientists!) to record and grow podcast series. Your success is our success: we want to help you make the biggest and best podcast series in the world.  

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Science precinct

Our new $240-million science precinct on the ANU campus has state-of-the-art biological and chemical research laboratories, as well as a teaching hub.

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Designed by Eggleston, MacDonald and Secomb, the Forestry Building (#48) was officially opened on 16 May 1968 by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh with the unveiling of a wooden sculpture in the building’s main foyer.

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Dr Megan Head didn’t expect her interest in evolution and ecology to lead to her becoming the manager of a Beetle Love Hotel.

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Scientists engineered tiny carbon-capturing engines from blue-green algae into plants, in a breakthrough that promises to help boost the yields of food crops

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A research project in Australia and Sweden is trying to understand how bogong moths perform incredible feats of navigation.

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Professor Susanne von Caemmerer has devoted her career to plant science and won worldwide recognition for her research.

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Ningaloo Reef might be famous for its whale sharks and stunning seascape but for ANU researchers, the real star of the show is seaweed.

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They say leaders are born not made, but it seems the opposite is true for queen bees, according to a new study by researchers from ANU

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Thu, Oct 31 2024, 4:30 - 5:30pm

We have previously developed the EvoFam computational pipeline [1,2] for detecting paralogous families of structured cis-regulatory regions transcriptome-wide in mammals, using mutational information across deep vertebrate alignments. Presented by Dr Brian Parker

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