Student blog

Find out what studying science at ANU is about through first-hand accounts from our students.

Jesse Zondervan | 28 Jun 2016

Where other people see rocks and cliffs, our geologist student blogger Jesse Zondervan sees another world. Join him as he visits Jervis Bay.

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Jesse Zondervan | 28 Jun 2016

Canberra might be silent at times, but student life is humming.

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Brody Hannan | 16 Feb 2016

At the commencement of my second year, I look back on the advice I received and learnt. Here are five things that I wish I knew at the beginning of my first year.

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Mollie-Cule | 07 Oct 2015

At high school you’d be lucky if you were allowed to boil water, but University labs are infinitely more interesting because you get to work with more high-tech equipment.

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Mollie-Cule | 16 Sep 2015

The most exciting week of the year for science students is undoubtedly National Science Week.

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Mollie-Cule | 11 Sep 2015

The ANU has several libraries, but my favourite would have to be the Hancock Library.

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Mollie-Cule | 26 Aug 2015

While there’s plenty of information out there about eating healthily, I’m finding the challenge for me is more about eating timely.

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Mollie-Cule | 25 Aug 2015

I’m a hermit by nature so making friends in my first week was tricky, but much easier than high school had been. It helps that the people here in uni don’t mind if you’re a little dorky. Don’t believe me? Here’s the conversation that lead to me gaining my first friend.

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