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Water flowing creek

What exactly are ‘forever chemicals’ – and can we move beyond them?

What types of chemicals are actually considered “forever chemicals”? And how should we deal with the escalating threat they pose?

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Square brick building behind a garden
Wed, 01 Feb 2017

Victoria's faunal emblem the Leadbeater's Possum and other species will become extinct within about 30 years unless clear-fell logging stops in Victoria's Mountain Ash forests, new research based on 30 years of monitoring the forests has found.

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Mon, 23 Jan 2017

People collapse, buildings collapse, economies collapse and even entire human civilizations collapse.

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Fri, 20 Jan 2017

Researchers at ANU have called for the transition from native timber harvesting to plantation forests with the biggest mainland sawmill in Australia under threat of collapse.

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Aerial view of ANU campus, showing buildings, ovals and Black Mountain.
Mon, 17 Oct 2016

Australia's energy security needs to be reviewed in the face of new threats from climate change, cyber hacking and greater complexity in the energy system, an expert forum hosted by the ANU Energy Change Institute and Engineers Australia has found.

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A landscape with wind turbines
Thu, 28 Apr 2016

The Australia Labor Party has announced a new climate change policy ahead of the federal election.

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