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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Courtyard with buildings.
Tuesday, 29 Jun 2021
  • Analysis and opinion

Australia has the world’s worst track record for wiping out mammals, with 34 species declared extinct since European colonisation. But today, we bring some good news: one rodent species, Gould’s mouse (Pseudomys gouldii), is set to be crossed off Australia’s extinct species list.

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Icebergs in icy landscape with blue and orange sky
Monday, 28 Jun 2021
  • News

A new study from researchers at ANU on how the world's largest ice sheet developed also provides vital clues about climate change tipping points.

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Professor Nerilie Abram is holding a coral core sample in laboratory lit with blue light
Thursday, 24 Jun 2021
  • News

We are now beyond the point of simply needing to reduce carbon emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change, according to a leading scientist from ANU.

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Thursday, 24 Jun 2021
  • Media release

A growing global push to halt biodiversity decline, most recently agreed at the G7 on Sunday, leaves Australia out in the cold as the federal government walks away from critical reforms needed to protect threatened species.

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Tuesday, 22 Jun 2021
  • Research story

It is all around us. Every day in our lives we are in contact with it. In fact, we are made from it: ancient stardust.

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Friday, 18 Jun 2021
  • Research story

Night vision goggles, infrared cameras and other similar devices detect infrared light reflected from objects or rather detect infrared light emitted from objects in the form of heat.

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Friday, 18 Jun 2021
  • Analysis and opinion

The LIGO gravitational wave observatory in the United States is so sensitive to vibrations it can detect the tiny ripples in space-time called gravitational waves.

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Close up of possum held in someone's hands.
Thursday, 17 Jun 2021
  • News

When animals are hot, they eat less. This potentially fatal phenomenon has been largely overlooked in wild animals, explain researchers from ANU.

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Portrait head and shoulders photo of Professor Anna Moore with blurry background.
Thursday, 17 Jun 2021
  • News

Australia's spacecraft and satellites will better survive damaging radiation and extreme conditions thanks to $2.5 million in funding for improved space testing facilities at ANU.

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