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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Saturday, 10 Jan 2015
  • Student profile

Exploring diverse opportunities at ANU

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Friday, 09 Jan 2015
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After visiting ANU to attend the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Anneke Knol enrolled in a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours), majoring in chemistry and mathematics.

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Friday, 09 Jan 2015
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Physicists developing a prototype quantum hard drive have improved storage time by a factor of more than 100.

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Thursday, 08 Jan 2015
  • Student profile

I chose the ANU summer research programme as an opportunity to undertake a real research project and also be part of social programme.

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Monday, 05 Jan 2015
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Early on the morning of August 6 2012, a group of scientists held their breath as Curiosity, NASA’s latest Mars rover, streaked through the thin Martian atmosphere in ball of fire. One of those scientists was Dr Penny King a geologist currently working at the Australian National University.

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Monday, 05 Jan 2015
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Small Australian native birds are losing food and home to a growing flock of rivals.

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