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Science by the letter: conversations with the next generation of scientists

Climate scientist Dr Georgy Falster is demystifying what it's like to study and work in science, one letter at a time.

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Monday, 27 Jul 2015
  • Student profile

Meet Diane, a PhB student reaching for the stars - but first stop is Honolulu. Like many students, Diane didn’t know about the PhB program when she was considering her uni choices.

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Thursday, 23 Jul 2015
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When it comes to starting a PhD, it’s not just what you know, it’s who you know, according to physics students Matt, Sam, Tamara and Tom, who came together to chat about how they found themselves at ANU.

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Tuesday, 21 Jul 2015
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Myopia, or short-sightedness, is a condition in which distant objects appear blurred, but closer objects can usually be seen in sharp focus.

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Saturday, 18 Jul 2015
  • Student profile

Recent graduate Alex Mascolo has followed his academic passions to uncover links between economics, philosophy and artificial intelligence.

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Friday, 17 Jul 2015
  • News

Biologists have succeeded in teaching wild birds to understand a new language.

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