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Doughnut-shaped region found inside Earth’s core deepens understanding of planet’s magnetic field

A doughnut-shaped region thousands of kilometres beneath our feet within Earth’s liquid core has been discovered by ANU scientists, providing new clues about the dynamics of our planet’s magnetic field.

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Friday, 18 Mar 2016
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“I create artificial stars with lasers.”

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Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016
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New research has found the successful end to the spread of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa was due to a coordinated response and the accepted traditional measures of control used in past outbreaks.

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Thursday, 10 Mar 2016
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Dr Maja Adamska is flipping through a textbook, and stops to show a photo of what looks like a lumpy blob.

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Thursday, 10 Mar 2016
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“Before you go travelling next time, make sure you come to me for some tips.”

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Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016
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A team of international scientists has quantified the threat that climate change poses to nine staple food crops in sub-Saharan Africa and outlined actions and timelines needed to adapt to head off the risk of crop and food shortages.

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Tuesday, 08 Mar 2016

The University has used International Women's Day to strengthen its commitment to gender equity.

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Portrait of Karina Tuveng, Earth Science student
Monday, 07 Mar 2016
  • Student profile

“For my research project, I’m part of a team looking at climate change that took place 40 to 50 million years ago, when the Earth transitioned from ‘greenhouse’ to ‘icehouse’.

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Monday, 07 Mar 2016
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A culture that is overtly anti-sexist can still implicitly associate science with masculinism, according to CPAS academic Lindy Orthia and anthropologist Rachel Morgain.

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