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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Thursday, 09 Jun 2016
  • News

Scientists have found past El Niño oscillations in the Pacific Ocean may have amplified global climate fluctuations for hundreds of years at a time.

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Thursday, 09 Jun 2016
  • News

A collaboration between Australian and New Zealand medical schools working to advance Indigenous health initiatives has received international recognition for its achievements.

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Monday, 06 Jun 2016
  • Student profile

Juliet Kirby wants more girls to share in the glow of pride—and plasma—she experiences as a physics student at ANU. Juliet Kirby can talk about physics until she’s purple in the face.

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Friday, 03 Jun 2016
  • News

ANU has honoured its finest teachers at the Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Education.

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David Stock, Forestry student
Friday, 03 Jun 2016
  • Student profile

“I have a background in straight science so it was really interesting for me to do some forest management courses, looking at how you balance the ecologically best option with what’s applicable in the real world."

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Friday, 03 Jun 2016
  • Research story

The Universe is expanding faster than expected, a study involving ANU has found.

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Friday, 03 Jun 2016
  • Career story

“I never want to leave Mount Stromlo! It’s really serene and quiet, so you get a lot of work done.

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Thursday, 02 Jun 2016
  • Research story

Scientists studying the genes that enable tropical butterflies to mimic each other's colourful warning markings find an egg-production gene, cortex, also controls wing colouring.

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Monday, 30 May 2016
  • News

A new study has found that many bird species lay their eggs earlier when spring is warmer, but that the timing has no damaging impact on their overall numbers.

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