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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Thursday, 29 Sep 2016
  • Research story

Scientists at ANU are working with researchers in France to develop a new way to detect and monitor breast cancer with a simple blood test.

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Tuesday, 27 Sep 2016
  • News

Physicists at The Australian National University (ANU) have brought quantum computing a step closer to reality by stopping light in a new experiment.

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Saturday, 24 Sep 2016
  • Academic profile

Dr Christopher Fulton sometimes spends six to eight hours a day underwater, assessing how plants and animals in the ocean respond to environmental shifts such as climate change.

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Thursday, 22 Sep 2016
  • Academic profile

There aren’t many science careers that let you research pretty much whatever you want, wherever you want. Welcome to the life of a science communicator. It’s a tough job, but Dr Will Grant just has to do it.

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Thursday, 22 Sep 2016
  • Student blog

One of the many unique things about the ANU is its strong connections to business, government and universities alike.

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Thursday, 22 Sep 2016
  • News

An internationally-recognised scientist who has designed instruments for observatories around the world has been appointed the new Director of the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre at Mount Stromlo.

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Thursday, 22 Sep 2016
  • News

A partnership between a plant scientist and a teacher has resulted in a trip to East Timor, to deliver a three-day workshop to 40 teachers.

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Tuesday, 20 Sep 2016
  • News

The habitats of more than 90 per cent of Australia's gum tree species will on average halve in size, and 16 eucalypt species are likely to become extinct, over the next 70 years due to global warming, a new international study has found.

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Monday, 19 Sep 2016
  • News

Scientists are a step closer to using Australia's iconic gum trees to develop low-carbon renewable jet and missile fuel.

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