Your favourite spots to study in Canberra

Publication date
Thursday, 31 May 2018

Location! Location! Location!

When it comes to successful studying we believe it’s all about the location, so we asked Science at ANU students for their favourite study spots in Canberra.

Have you checked them all out?



“So my favourite study spot has probably got to be one of the public libraries, maybe Kippax library, because I think sometimes it can be really scary to be surrounded by everybody at uni."


Ella and Lillian

Ella (left)

“I vary where I study, I study in the Medical School when I need to be memorising or if I need to do a tute together with students.

If I’m just doing general study I like to study with my sister Lili and we usually like to go to the coffee shops down Lonsdale Street, because we like the chatter of other people, and the coffee helps of course.”

Lillian (right)

“My favourite study spots are either the food co-op on campus because of the chill vibe, cheap food, there are snacks right near-by which is nice, and they are open till 7.

I also like Lonsdale Street Roasters because upstairs has open windows and you're like in the treetops, which is really beautiful.”



 “The best study spot is probably the Chemistry Drop-In Centre, because it’s social and people actually communicate with you. It’s also a decent spot because there are always seats spare so you can actually get work done.”

Lachlan and Martina

Lachlan (left)

“My favourite place to study would probably be the School of Music cafeteria because it's super-duper quiet, it’s nice to be around and sometimes you hear the dulcet tones of piano and singing flowing down through the hallway.”

Martina (right)

“My favourite place to study would probably be the Chemistry Drop-In Centre, just because it’s a nice balance of quiet but social and it has a nice stack of tea and snacks.”



“My favourite spot to study is the National Library of Australia because it’s quiet, has free Wi-Fi, long open hours and is easily accessible by bus.”



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