When the weather warms up

Publication date
Thursday, 1 Nov 2018

Exams are nearly over and the Canberra weather is warming up. It’s our favourite time to shut down the laptop and head outdoors. In order to find out the best places to go, we hit campus and asked which outdoor activities Science at ANU students enjoy doing most.

Jane (B.Science) 

“I like going to Tidbinbilla and doing hikes there, Gibraltar Falls is especially nice, because you can get in and cool off.”

Jade (B.Science (Advanced)) 

“Same with Kambah pool as well, all the rivers have really nice swimming areas. I like going to the botanical gardens, because it’s really nice in summer and you get different eco-systems. So if you go to the rainforest area it’s a lot colder, because of how they’ve made it, so it’s nice to walk around. Oh, also the Arboretum is really cool to explore. Not that many people want to go there because they think it’s just a place of trees, but it actually has some really cool areas, with some really nice walks and amazing views.”

Sophie (B.Genetics) 

“Studying outdoors is always nice, in particular near the Art School, otherwise just kicking the ball around an oval.”

Lara (B.Science) 

“Yeah, studying near the lake is nice as well, or going to one of the festivals that are on around Canberra.”

Rahul (M.Energy Change) 

“I’ve only recently moved here so I haven’t had the chance to fully experience the warmer weather in Canberra yet, but I’m excited to check out the beaches on the South Coast. I also want to explore the nature, I see a lot of greenery outside very close to the city, which is something new to me. Also, the skies are very clear as soon as you get out of the city, so as it warms up one thing I’m most excited about is to go outside at night and see all of the stars.”

Katherine (B.Science) -

“I like to see live local music at venues around Canberra. I like to go road cycling, and I also like hiking, especially in Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.”

Lillian (B.Medical Science) –

“I like going to Gibraltar Falls and Booroomba Rocks and doing hikes out there.”

Rachel (B.Medical Science)–

“Yeah, walking around Lake Burley Griffin or up Mount Ainslie or just taking my dog for a walk around where I live.”

Sally (B.Science)-

“Going swimming. Uriarra Crossing or the Cotter are a few of my favourite places, and I enjoy walking the dog, but I usually wait till the evening once it’s cooled down a bit.”

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