Super-physics to super computing

Publication date
Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015

Much of the success that I’ve had stems from what I learnt, and the invaluable experiences that I had, at ANU.

As the Chief Technology Officer at geoscience company DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG), Dr Stuart Midgley has built one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Some of the world’s most reputable mining companies depend on the computer’s ability to process seismic data quickly.

“If we don’t process the data in time and our clients miss their deadlines, then it can cost them lots of money,” Stuart explains. “So it’s essential that our computer delivers high-quality products in a very short amount of time.”  

Stuart needs to be ahead of the game to ensure the highest possible computing performance. His growth and success in the role has mirrored that of the company. He has seen DUG evolve from a start-up in Perth with 20 people into a multinational company with seven offices around the world and more than 250 staff.

“Much of the success that I’ve had stems from what I learnt, and the invaluable experiences that I had, at ANU,” he said.

Stuart undertook an undergraduate course in physics from 1993 to 1995 and honours in theoretical physics in 1996 at ANU. He chose to study at ANU because of the university’s strong reputation in physics. He was a participant in the Distinguished Scholar Program, and he was also given a scholarship.

“I found the course work, mentoring and contacts developed at ANU to be extremely rewarding and beneficial to my career.”

Stuart also worked at ANU in the student information technology department as a Unix system administrator, and then later as an academic consultant at the ANU Supercomputer Facility.

Through ANU, Stuart was also significantly involved in the Australian Physics Olympiad for many years as a tutor and deputy director. He was team leader at the Asian Physics Olympiad in Taiwan and the International Physics Olympiad in Leinster, United Kingdom.

“I still keep in touch with many people from ANU and the Olympiad program—many of my employees have come from the Olympiads. And I’m always keen to see what is happening in both institutions.”

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