Scouts and Guides explore world of chemistry

Publication date
Monday, 15 Aug 2016

Scouts ACT and the Research School of Chemistry at The Australian National University (ANU) co-hosted more than 1,000 Scouts and Guides for a day of fun chemistry on Saturday 13 August to help kick off National Science Week.

The Scouts and Guides from the ACT and surrounding region made liquid nitrogen ice cream and PVC slime, purified their own Lake Burley Griffin water, learned about the chemistry of fire and played with cornflour slime.

Professor John Carver, Director of the ANU Research School of Chemistry, said the School was thrilled to expand its existing outreach program to a new audience.

"Projects like these allow us to share our passion for science, giving these young people the opportunity to experience both the practical and exciting sides of chemistry - learning about a science that we all interact with every day."

Chief Commissioner of Scouts Australia ACT Branch, Rick Goode, said Scouting provided Australians aged six to 25 with a range of fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure.

"The SciScouts: Chemistry of Scouting activity supports the scouting philosophy of learning by doing and provides a great chance for our members to directly engage with science," Mr Goode said.

"Our youth members are an actively engaged and inquisitive bunch. This experience might just be that one light bulb moment that inspires some of our youth members to pursue a career in science or technology."

Kate Lehane from Scouts ACT said they could not have delivered the event without the support of the ANU Research School of Chemistry.

"We thank senior technical officer Vance Lawrence, in particular, for his enthusiasm, and we also thank our super-keen volunteer scout and guide leaders."

This project was funded by a National Science Week grant supported by the Australian Government's Inspiring Australia Initiative, and was also supported by the local ACT National Science Week Committee.

National Science Week is Australia's annual celebration of science, with more than 1,000 events already registered throughout Australia including over 60 events in the ACT. Visit the science week website for more details.

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