Nominations open for ACT Scientist of the Year

Publication date
Wednesday, 29 Apr 2015

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr is calling on Canberra scientists to nominate for the inaugural ACT Scientist of the Year Award.

"The award provides us with an opportunity to showcase the contribution that Canberrans make to the world of science, both nationally and worldwide. I am hopeful that it will uncover some of the many brilliant possibilities our local scientists are working very hard to make reality through their interesting and extensive research," Mr Barr said.

The ACT Scientist of the Year Award will be presented for the first time in 2015, and will be open to ACT-based individual scientists working in basic or applied research in all fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

The winning scientist will receive a $30,000 (ex GST) prize, and will become a ‘science ambassador’ for the ACT. Nominations close on Tuesday 9 June 2015 and the winner will be announced during National Science Week in August.

Scientists who have finished their PhD within the last 10 years are encouraged to submit a nomination.

The objective of the award is to:

  • celebrate excellence in scientific research and innovation in the ACT through recognition of an ‘ACT Scientist of the Year’
  • showcase the contribution that local scientists make to science and innovation, both nationally and worldwide
  • enhance the ACT’s reputation as a ‘centre of excellence in research and innovation’
  • inspire young people to consider a career in science.

 For further information view thescientist of year.

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