Njanjma Rangers visit the Research school of Biology

Publication date
Thursday, 28 Mar 2019

Participants at the meeting with Indigenous leaders and rangers had lunch on the Robertson Terrace.  Lindell Bromham.

Lindell Bromham, Pat Backwell and Craig Moritz (all RSB) hosted a group of six Bininj people from the Gunbalanya community in Arnhem Land. There were four Rangers (Ursula Nadjamerrek, Anita Nayinggul, Grant Nayinggul and Gleeson Nabulwad) and two senior traditional owners (Alfred and Leah Nayinggul).

We discussed a collaborative project involving two-way learning, where we will meld scientific and traditional knowledge of biodiversity, land management, and animal behaviour. The project will involve taking ANU undergraduate students to Arnhem Land (where they will work alongside Gunbalanya students and rangers) to learn about the two knowledge systems (scientific and cultural).

Lindell has also organised for ANU undergraduate students to undertake cultural competency courses in the Northern Territory (in collaboration with Charles Darwin University) to enable our students to engage with Indigenous Australians in a respectful and culturally appropriate way. - Pat Backwell, RSB.

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