Greenpeace warrior’s secret weapon: a double degree in science and law

Publication date
Friday, 11 Dec 2015

If you’re going to take on some of the biggest corporations in the world on behalf of the environment, you need to be persuasive, and you need to know your facts.

That’s where Nicky Davies’ combined Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science comes in handy.

Since graduating in 1996, Nicky has had an impressive career in environmental advocacy, including as Campaigns Director for Greenpeace USA.

It’s thanks to her that all our downloads from the Apple App Store will soon be powered by green energy.

“Probably one of the things I am most proud of during my ten years at Greenpeace is convincing Apple, Google and Facebook to use 100 per cent renewable energy in their operations,” she says.

“Along with getting Shell to pull its drilling program from the US Arctic.”

Considering what a day’s work looks like for Nicky, it’s a real honour for ANU to hear her say that rarely a day goes by when she doesn’t draw on the skills and content of both her degrees.

“For me, it’s always been important to have the background in both science and law,” she says.

Even if you don’t think you’re up to changing the world, Nicky suggests a science degree can lead to “almost anything”.

“The natural world is essential to almost everything we do.

“Knowing about it, learning how to think about it, and being able to be inquiring and analytical—as is taught in science degrees—are some of the most sought after things in employees across almost all professions.”

Find out what you can do with a science degree from ANU.

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