Global research stimulates global adventures

Publication date
Tuesday, 5 Mar 2013

ANU supported me to go to Brazil as part of the Rio+20 delegation - it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience

Originally from Venezuela, Federico Davila first came to ANU for his undergraduate degree, stayed to complete a Masters in Environment (Research) and now tutors first and second year students at the Fenner School of Environment & Society.

“There’s a reason I haven’t left yet - the research is interesting, the people are friendly and the resources and information I have access to are great,” says Federico.

Federico is interested in international food policy. “I wanted to bridge the theory into practice, which the Master of Environment (Research) gave me the opportunity to do. I did 12 months background work on domestic and international policy, and then went on to do a six-month research project, which was a full-on thesis on international food policy.”

Having a global focus in his work, Federico got to go global with his research. “ANU supported me to go to Brazil as part of the Rio+20 delegation - it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I did the research for my thesis there. The networking opportunities were just out of control. I got lots of ideas from people around the world and shared my ideas.”

Federico’s supervisor has guided him throughout his Masters. “I've had an outstanding relationship with my supervisor. He's been really supportive of me and the research I do. The supervisors at ANU are very open and caring about the students. They genuinely want you to maximise your potential, get your degree and make sure it’s of a global standard.”

Moving to Canberra was a big change for Federico, but he now enjoys the great benefits that come with living in Australia’s capital. “Canberra is a very interesting city. It is the political capital of the country and it’s got four educational institutions, so it is a hub of intellect. It's really good to be around all these different ideas that are constantly evolving – it’s very intellectually stimulating.”

“It's really good to expand your horizons and learn different cultures. The ANU is an outstanding institution in terms of education and support. Australia is an amazing country - the people are lovely and it’s a really good place to learn.”

“Don’t be afraid to move. People are extremely mobile and move all the time. It’s challenging, but it’s worth it. It was for me.”

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