Find your own path with a flexible double undergraduate degree

Publication date
Friday, 21 Nov 2014

Do you have a passion for one area of study but are not sure where you want to end up at the end of your degree? If you do, you may be just like many of our students who are using flexible study options to find their own paths.

One such ANU student is Jessica. Jessica joined ANU to study psychology after discovering that the Research School of Psychology offered a world-leading perspective on theoretical psychology.

But after a year into her Psychology/Arts degree Jessica decided to explore her newly found interest in Criminology by transferring into a Flexible Double Degree. And everything fell into place.

Coming to ANU was not an automatic decision for Jessica. She made sure she did her homework—visiting Open Day, speaking to current students and researching career outcomes and pathways. And in the end what was important was the knowledge that there would be a strong, high-quality theoretical basis to her Psychology degree which helped her decide. 

“It meant I could relax and just see where my degree took me,” Jessica said. 

“I didn’t need to know straight away what career I wanted. I just knew I was studying in the best place and that my ANU degree would give me the choice of so many pathways, both clinical and professional.” 

Since starting her Flexible Double Degree Jessica has discovered Criminology is where her main passion lies and where she would like to direct her career. She finds her Psychology degree to be a great fit with Criminology increases her breadth of knowledge and also leaves open another career pathway if jobs in Criminology prove hard to come by.  

Another reason why her ANU flexible double degree in Psychology/Criminology is so exceptional is the range of guest lecturers who visit her classes. 

“We are in the heart of government in Canberra and have the High Court just around the corner - it is such an exciting place to study and gives me some amazing networking opportunities for my career,” Jessica said.

Flexible double undergraduate degrees

Find your own path with an ANU flexible double undergraduate degree.


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