Day in the life – Aero

Publication date
Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013

Hi, my name is Aero and I am a third year student enrolled in the Bachelor of Philosophy Honours - Science (PhB) program. I am intrigued by all facets of the natural world which has led my degree to become a really hands on experience. At ANU I have studied fossils in South Australia, mapped coral species and temperature profiles on the Great Barrier Reef and studied groundwater in the Lower Murrumbidgee.

I am currently involved in some research projects - one looking at infiltration rates at Lake George and the other investigating pH extremes on coral growth rates in the Research School of Earth Science's coral tank! I enjoy getting involved in the arts and love playing sports.

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ANU Science - Bachelor of Philosophy
Degree program

In the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) you’ll get to explore your interests by undertaking research as an undergraduate student, get one-on-one mentoring by leading academics… all while enjoying the camaraderie of a group of like-minded students.

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