Change through exchange

Publication date
Friday, 27 Apr 2012

"Science just clicked with me and I wanted to do it my entire life," says Phoebe Benson, who studies the Bachelor of Philosophy (PhB). Phoebe is finding that the PhB gives her the opportunity to sink her teeth into some very interesting research. "The PhB gives you access to real research. I am doing some bio technology work at the moment, manipulating genes in a plasma. I have done some other work previously with the malaria parasite as well. The PhB gives you the opportunity to really expand your knowledge in how to conduct scientific research."

Being at University has also allowed Phoebe experience some amazing things beyond the lab. University life take her to all corners of the globe. "I am a member of ANU Snow Sports and competed at Winter University Games. It was a great experience interacting with people from other universities and other students from ANU, outside of my classes and college."

"Next year, I am also going on exchange to the University of California. I think it will be an amazing experience, especially if I get to work in a lab. It will be good to see the difference between working in a lab in Australia and America. It will be great to meet new people and experience a different life for a bit."

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