ANU scientists recognised by the Australian Academy of Sciences

Publication date
Tuesday, 24 Nov 2015

ANU scientists Dr Ilya Shadrivov and Dr Michael Ireland have been recognised in the Australian Academy of Sciences annual honorific awards for early career and mid-career researchers.

Dr Ilya Shadrivov from the Research School of Physics and Engineering was awarded the 2016 Pawsey Medal.

Dr Shadrivov develops new metamaterials which have properties not usually found in nature, such as the ability to selectively absorb some colours of light, or beam electromagnetic waves in specific directions.

"This award is the important recognition of the research work that I was doing over the past years, and it is a big encouragement to do more work," Dr Shadrivov said.

"Such major award will help to strengthen my research reputation, which is important for establishing new collaboration links and for securing research funding. 

"The award wouldn't be possible without strong support of the nominator, Professor Yuri Kivshar and an exceptional team of Australian and international reviewers." 

Dr Ireland, from the ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was awarded the 2016 Frederick White Prize.

The award recognises Dr Ireland's work on developing and applying the latest optical and infrared technologies to build innovative astronomical instruments to investigate the lifecycles of stars and planets.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Young AO congratulated Dr Shadrivov and Dr Ireland on the awards.

"To be recognised by the Australian Academy of Sciences is great acknowledgement of the work Michael and Ilya are doing at ANU. On behalf of the University, I congratulate them on their success."

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