ANU scientist recognised in Women in Research Citation Awards

Publication date
Thursday, 20 Oct 2016

ANU scientist Dr Rachel Wood has been honoured as one of Australia's leading women researchers in the inaugural Women in Research Citation Awards.

The inaugural awards have been presented to 12 leading Australian researchers across science, social sciences and the humanities, and aim to promote gender equity in research.

Dr Wood, from the Research School of Earth Sciences, researches carbon dating and ways to improve the accuracy of carbon dating on skeletal material.

"It is nice to receive acknowledgement that you are doing ok. It can sometimes be a little difficult to know how you are doing in comparison against your fantastic peers," Dr Wood said.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt congratulated Dr Wood on her achievement.

"To be recognised in this way in the inaugural Women in Research Citation Awards is a truly outstanding achievement for Dr Wood," he said.

The awards, presented by ANU and Clarivate Analytics, are designed to honour the outstanding achievements of early to mid-career researchers in Australia.

Professor Schmidt said the awards were important to help support gender equity in research and to encourage more women into senior research positions.

Professor Schmidt said ANU was committed to supporting and leading in gender equity through the Athena SWAN diversity program, and the University has committed to 50:50 gender balance in leadership roles.

"It is time to make changes in the way research values and recognises women researchers," he said.

"These awards matter," he said.

"Diverse leadership is good leadership. As a national university, we want to show leadership."

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