ANU alumna awarded a Rhodes Scholarship

Publication date
Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016

ANU graduate Ellen Cliff has been named the Queensland Rhodes Scholar for 2017 and will head to Oxford in September next year.

Ms Cliff, who graduated in July with a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) in Chemistry and Marine Science, will use her scholarship to complete a PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford.

"I grew up in Queensland and completed my schooling there so I am both thrilled and honoured to be named the Queensland Rhodes Scholar for 2017," she said.

"I look forward to being part of a world-leading research team looking into the effect of changing ocean chemistry on crucial phytoplankton species.

"This opportunity will also allow me to build international networks and gain excellent opportunities to be a leading marine science researcher."

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt congratulated Ellen on the scholarship.

"To be one of 89 Rhodes Scholars selected internationally is an outstanding achievement and highlights the quality of ANU graduates," Professor Schmidt said.

Ms Cliff worked as an undergraduate laboratory demonstrator with the Research School of Chemistry. 

She volunteered as a chemistry peer mentor, was a National Science Week presenter in 2015 and 2016, and has also been a research assistant with the ANU Research School of Biology.

The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

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