
The Science behind mRNA vaccines

The lecture will include COVID-19 vaccine types, mRNA vaccine formulation. Presented by Prof Thomas Preiss.

schedule Date & time
15 Oct 2024 4:30pm - 15 Oct 2024 5:30pm
person Speaker


Prof Thomas Preiss
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The lecture will include the following topics: COVID-19 overview,COVID-19 vaccine types, mRNA vaccine formulation, Genome and mRNA, Principles of protein synthesis, Features of eukaryotic mRNA, What else we can do with mRNA therapy

About the speaker


From 1986-91 Thomas Preiss studied Chemistry at the Philipps-Universität, Marburg (Germany) and the University of Bristol (UK), followed by PhD work (1992-95) at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). He spent the next seven years (1995-2002) as a postdoctoral scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratories (EMBL), Heidelberg (Germany), in parallel also completing his Habilitation in Biochemistry [Permission to teach at the professorial level] at the Medical Faculty of the Universität Heidelberg (Germany). In 2002 he became a laboratory head at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney and held conjoint appointments at the University of New South Wales (Senior Lecturer, then Associate Professor). In 2011 he accepted a position as Professor of RNA Biology at ANU/JCSMR. Since 2022 he is the inaugural Director of the ANU Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation.



-35.2288768, 149.159936

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