ASA Datafest 2025
Are you interested in data wrangling, visualisation, analysis, and presentation design? The Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics will be holding an American Statistical Association DataFest from April 11 - 13.
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Are you interested in data wrangling, visualisation, analysis, and presentation design? The Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics will be holding an American Statistical Association DataFest where teams of 2-5 undergraduate and/or honours students from any discipline across campus (post graduate students are not eligible) will work with a real-world dataset during a 48-hour period in a friendly festival of data. The DataFest will be held from April 11 – 13 (end of the teaching break). Teams may be formed up to April 10 COB.
Please email Dr. Anton Westveld (anton.westveld@anu.edu.au) your team name and team members, or to seek additional information. Note that the number of teams may be limited, so please register early.
For more information: https://rsfas.anu.edu.au/study/american-statisticalassociation-datafest-anu