Christian Gomez Carrasco

Communications Officer
National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)

Master of Public Administration


About you

I am an industry practitioner of Marketing Communications and Digital Media, having worked with brands in America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania in the food industry and government before moving into tertiary education in Australia. My academic and professional interests are at the boundary between communication and public policy with a socio-cultural focus on how policies are shaped by institutions and power.

My professional experience has been in consulting and in-house positions mainly focused on Market Research and brand communications (reputation) for organizations in the seafood, hospitality, and public sector. I have been fortunate to have worked closely with some amazing entrepreneurs and international organizations in efforts to amplify their brand and organizational missions (sustainable, excellence, inclusion, meaningful change, and research-informed learning).

Professional specialties:
* Strategic Brand, Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
* Digital Marketing and Communications Strategy
* Email Marketing, Visual Storytelling, Marketing Automation


Area of study

Communication with a minor in Marketing, Public Administration with focus on Climate and National Security

Key experience areas

First-in-family, Scholarship recipient, Moved away from home, culturally diverse background, International Student

Epic Fail

Several cultural fails! I can discuss more of them in my talk with the students.

Proudest moment

 Be the first in my family to study abroad in a different language.

Top tip

“Be unique at classes but also outside of them.”