Alicia-Louise Lillington

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Bachelor of International Relations


About you

 As a young, executive woman in the technology industry, Alicia shares her extensive experience on the importance of diversity, and how you can use your point of difference to develop a compelling personal brand and achieve success in your own way.
Alicia believes that with a dream and hard work, anything is possible. As a lover of learning, exploring and creating, when a topic piqued her interest, her curiosity would be insatiable. This pushed her into her purpose - to share her love of learning and help others to recognize their potential.
Alicia has mentored over 310 individuals, delivered over 260 speeches and provided corporate training for over 28,750 people across high-profile organizations.

Area of study

History, Politics, Italian, Drama, English, Sociology

Key experience areas

  • First-in-family
  • Culturally diverse background
  • Low socio-economic background
  • Neurodiverse

Epic Fail

Too many to choose from! 

Proudest moment

Presenting the alumna speech on stage with Julie Bishop for the CASS graduation

Top tip

Always challenge the status quo. Lean into your point of difference.