Issues related to menopause and perimenopause

Publication date
Friday, 9 Feb 2024

The following message from Women in STEMM Australia is an invitation to give feedback for a Senate Inquiry into issues related to menopause and perimenopause. We plan to have actions in this space at the College of Science and Medicine level soon. If you have any suggestion, please contact Pierre Portal (Associate Dean IDEA, or Nat Thomas (Senior Advisor Diversity and Culture,


The Federal Government is inviting submissions from individuals or organisations on a Senate Inquiry into ‘Issues related to menopause and perimenopause’.

Women of menopause age are now the fastest-growing workforce demographic, with 25% of the female population to be menopausal in 2030.
Symptoms can affect job progression or result in early retirement. With a STEM skills crisis upon us, organisations cannot afford for their experienced women to be leaving the workforce early.
To provide your input on this important topic, we encourage you to either

Send your submission directly to government or
Complete our 5-minute survey from which we will aggregate the data to prepare one submission representing your collective voices. 
